Financial Management

Maconomy Financial Management module helps you to ensure efficient and controlled back-office processes and focus on improving working capital by providing and end-to-end financial engine that underpins all project, time and expense, resource planning, HR, and CRM activities across your organization.

Full set of integrated ledgers handles the flow of real/time data across your entire organization. Reliability is ensured, and access to data is instant and with the structures and tools in place for you to highlight and get to the root cause of any problems.

The solution has been engineered to specifically support the full range of ad/hoc, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly activities of your finance teams from journal postings, to processing payment runs, to registering fixed assets and closing the financial year.

Product Features:

General Ledger

  • Finance period and journal creation and posting control
  • MULTI-EVERYTHING: Charts of accounts, Companies, Currencies, Tax rates and levels
  • Full Finance Business Intelligence integration to support all financial reporting requirement

Financial Budgeting

Accounts Receivable

  • Maintain client/debtor data
  • Reconciling open entries
  • Printing (a/c statement, aging, etc)

Accounts Payable

  • Maintain vendor/creditor data
  • Reconciling open entries
  • Full purchase process
  • Vendor invoice scanning
  • Printing (a/c statement, aging etc.)

Fixed Asset Lifecycle Management

  • Purchase
  • Depreciation
  • Adjustment
  • Sales


  • Manual payment handling
  • Automatic payment file
  • Multiple payment formats
  • Bank reconciliation (auto)

Arrange a free consultation

Let's talk about a system tailored for your enterprise.

    Anna Turzańska-Sadlej

    Senior Consultant


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