Budgeting Software

This application may be used concurrently by many users, each of whom is responsible for its assigned part of the budget. The breakdown of responsibilities may be based on the account dimensions structure from the iScala system (e.g. cost centers).

Individual users enter budgetary data relevant to their organizational cells or functions. Afterwards, the data is integrated to create the overall budget of the company. The end result is imported to iScala. During the budgeting process, it is possible to use historic data obtained from iScala General Ledger.

Ability to define and to use various formulas to compute budget data basing on appropriate, fixed multipliers (e.g. budget data may be dependent on the number of employees, the volume of budgeted sales or other parameters) may also be useful during budgeting works. This will allow many budgetary items to be created automatically.

Overview of the application’s main functions

  • Ability to plan a detailed (in monthly breakdown) budget for the current and for the next year as well as full-year budget for next 4 years.
  • Budget versioning (version storing/restoring) facilitating i.e. work with a budget being corrected after 3/6 months, etc.; while applying corrections it is possible to read current balances from the iScala system.
  • Convenient budgetary items access rights management by assignment of user roles (e.g. in case of a change of a particular employee position in the company, one only needs to switch a role in respective user definition).
  • Ability to add dimensions (or article) codes, which have not yet been entered to iScala (e.g. if one knows that for the next year additional codes will be needed or one cost center will be split into many, one may create relevant codes with potential percentage allocation of current amounts from the current code in the budgeting tool).
  • Ability to define cost center to product allocation keys (or allocations for other dimensions), to be used for budget export to Scala.
  • Ability to flexibly relate budget items with a combination of dimensions with external reporting code.
  • Ability to define automatic extension of budget structure during actual data import with accounts (or dimensions), on which entries have been made.
  • Ability to easily define operation mode for each budget item (e.g. formula computing, percentage summary split result, a constant – a formula element, relation of the budget item with a warehouse article).
  • Ability to define formulas.
  • Ability to define so-called profiles – being structures that identify which items (in relation to account dimensions) will be used for budget entry.
  • Ability to define constants for warehouse articles entered into the budget structure – definition of prices for budget recalculation (planned quantities).

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Let's talk about a system tailored for your enterprise.

    Anna Turzańska-Sadlej

    Senior Consultant


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