How digitally evolved is your agency? It might matter more than you thin.

Deltek surveyed more than 300 agency professionals at the start of 2021, and found 61% are producing more work and offering more services than they did a year ago, but only a quarter (25%) had seen profit margins rise.

Little wonder, then, that profitability was a key business focus for 58% of those surveyed, while 53% said that a more profitable business strategy was one area in which their agency could improve.

Why Industry 4.0?

Along with the many opportunities this transformation promises, there are three significant challenges created by the approaches and technologies of Industry 4.0:
•    Widespread integration
•    Big data

The risk of outdated ERP systems in Manufacturing

The decision to replace or upgrade from an outdated ERP system can often be a difficult one, because after using it for so long, employees grow comfortable with it. However, despite how accustomed you are to using your outdated solution, it’s probably weighing you down.

With the speed at which technology is advancing, manufacturers can no longer afford to continue using outdated ERP systems. Read on to learn why a modern ERP system built for manufacturing business growth may be the most important step you take for the success of your company.

Law Firms: Here are three keys reasons to continue developing your digital strategy

Law firms were already on the path to a new digital future. But while some firms were moving slowly into the world of automated processes and digital revenue streams, the COVID-19 crisis has forced many more practices to rapidly deploy digital tools to support a remote workforce.

While the pandemic has caused the disruption, it’s also been an opportunity for previously reluctant firms to start discovering the benefits of new digital workflows. Whether your firm is just dipping its toes into the digital pool or it’s grown its technology footprint over the last year, the pandemic has made something abundantly clear to law firms: now is the time to digitalize.

Investing in technology to offset the impacts of COVID-19

The report’s findings show that companies across the globe are embracing technologies to offset the impacts of global volatility, such as COVID-19 and supply chain disruptions. These market conditions are fueling the need to enhance business resilience over the next 12 months, with companies prioritizing better technology (41.4%), better planning (38.9%) and working more efficiently (40.9%). Other key themes identified through the research is listed as followed:

Investments in AI and Big Data are paying off

Business Development and Resource Planning

However, for the activities of BD to deliver the desired results to the business rather than to be problematic, it is essential to ensure the flow of information, collaboration and communication between the business and other departments, primarily the Operations and HR departments. There are these departments that are measured in the next steps to ensure that the promises made to customers are delivered promptly. A large group of specialists with adequate qualifications to carry out the project must be provided. Besides, they must be available when needed.

This is very important for the company, as the lack of adequate resources may lead to overtime, weakening of the teams involved in other projects already underway, delays in implementation, etc. As a result, the project may become unprofitable, and both customers and employees would be unhappy.

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