22 July 2019
Momentum 2019 – an event for Epicor partners in EMEA & APAC
These were three days of insights, inspiration and knowledge for Epicor business partners to help them in the development of their activities. Momentum 2019 was designed to give information to the partners, that they need to grow their Epicor business now and in the future. This was an opportunity to hear exclusively from senior Epicor Executives and Channel Management, network with like-minded business people, and gain an in-depth understanding of Epicor products.
Participants got to know new versions of Epicor 10.2.400 and iScala 3.3 systems, as well as learned about plans that concern among others cloud solutions related to Microsoft Azure. Also, Epicor introduced a new type of service - system leasing.
The file with the material is available for download.
Click and DownloadAnaliza firm o wysokim wskaźniku wzrostu
Best regards,
Team of Todis