Time and Expense registration

Time tracking on client projects

Maconomy Time and Expense Registration simplifies time and expense capture in Professional Services Organizations to allow your employees to concentrate on what they do best, namely leveraging their skills and expertise to better service your clients. The solution ensures accurate and timely registrations, which are key to optimizing project and resource management, managing costs and driving forward profitable behavior.

Supporting People across your Organization

A host of innovative tools are made available to Employees to encourage their instant access to an interface that meets their requirements. In this way entry into the system is not postponed until the last minute where it is more likely to result in a loss in precision and potential queries and dissatisfaction of your customers. Precise and prompt Project Manager and Resource Manager approval requirements can be setup and enforced to ensure the control your business requires.

Supporting your Business Processes

Hours and expenses entered in the Project Costing module are available immediately for invoicing in the Finance module to accelerate your invoice process and ultimately improve your working capital, and these registrations are visible across the entire Maconomy solution. This fully integrated capability greatly enhances the foundation for project progress with Project Managers having online access to real-time Reports and Business Intelligence, which they can slice and dice the way they need.

Product Features:

  • Individual time sheet status from a single calendar view
  • Full Line manager/resource owner overview and approval hierarchy
  • E-mail and system alerts prompting Employees to complete action on time
  • Innovative SpeedSheet for almost instant registration of project activity and ability to handle incomplete registrations
  • Project Favorites (automatically updated from project planning) to aid registerations and minimise manual errors
  • Cutting edge mobile solution for time registration and submission
  • Expense registrations in multiple currencies
  • Strong but flexible approval hierarchies configurable to meet your business requirements
  • Fully functioning mileage sheet with unlimited mileage rules and vehicle types

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    Anna Turzańska-Sadlej

    Senior Consultant


    Explore user reviews of ERP Maconomy.

    The choice of Maconomy was determined by its broad functional scope and closely tailored solutions for the consulting industry.

    Krzysztof Kaczmarek

    Managing Partner


    With Maconomy, we process company data in real time and can make key business decisions instantly.

    Tomasz Zygadło


    Sigma Connectivity

    Maconomy functions like the brain of the entire agency. We have access to all information about projects, allocated resources or profitability in one system.

    Magdalena Łukaszewicz


    Ogilvy Sp. z.o.o.

    The ERP system is an investment for years, which is why we focused on Maconomy, a solution proven in our other companies.

    Arek Szwestko

    Project Manager

    Sigma Connectivity

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