Microsoft Dynamics CRM

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM modules include, among others, sales, marketing, customer service. The integration with iScala and Microsoft Outlook e-mail program creates the perfect complement to a comprehensive system of business management. The great advantage is the possibility to use the system in a mobile version for smartphones.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM enables to:

  • Improve the planning of marketing and sales campaigns.
  • Build lasting relationships with customers.
  • Trace the history of contacts and sales opportunities
  • Increase sales results and costs of contractors.
  • Improve the quality of customer service.
  • Intuitive analysis on sales and promotions in real time.
  • Simplify the management of contracts.
  • Quick assign tasks associated with the acquisition of customers to individual employees.
  • Knowledge and data share between employees of the companies.
  • Rapid customer segmentation.
  • Flexibility and the ability to personalize templates and the appearance of the program.
  • Data visualization, the use of dashboards with real-time and flexible reporting.
  • Work directly from Microsoft Outlook.
  • Export data to and from a spreadsheet.
  • Data flow between iScala and CRM.
  • Order through mobile devices (smartphones).

Arrange a free consultation.

Let's talk about a system tailored for your enterprise.

    Anna Turzańska-Sadlej

    Senior Consultant


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