Commerce Connect

For many businesses today, eCommerce helps to increase their brand presence, shorten sales cycles, and develop new sales leads. It also opens up a new and more convenient way for businesses to interact with their customers who are moving away from traditional ordering methods such as e-mail, phone, or fax. A modern eCommerce solution can deliver significant savings from a company website blended with an eCommerce storefront when integrated with back-office business systems.

Epicor Commerce Connect application is based on the Magento platform. It gives customers the ability to create, develop and manage unique websites in a simple way, providing the tools necessary to increase the level of customer service and increase revenue.

Epicor Commerce Connect pakages:

  • Customer Connect (B2B) is designed to give business users the same online experience and ease of use provided by top consumer websites. Features include the ability to view special promotions and pricelists, make repeat purchase and pay on account. Other features include portal only login, instant payment options, and a shopping basket that allows users to search and add products and update or remove items, request for quote (RFQ) option, and more.
  • Supplier Connect  enables businesses to maintain more convenient, seamless and cost effective relationships with suppliers through websites that provides online self-service and whole range of inquiry options – open orders, part information and access to invoice and payment history. With easy access to the information that suppliers need most frequently, Epicor Supplier Connect helps reduce or eliminate time spent on questions that come in via email, phone, or fax — liberating employees to devote their time to other more value-added relationship building efforts.
  • Consumer Connect(B2C) is for businesses serving a direct-to-consumer channel. Epicor provides the tools and framework to engage them online, and provides specific features for selling online to consumers such as guest and account login, open site allowing browsing before login, anonymous checkout, sophisticated message caching for B2C performance enhancements, and ERP payment via Epicor Secure Data Manager (ESDM) where the website will display a page and collect the consumer detail for processing by the ERP. Epicor Commerce Connect is PCI compliant, so no card details are held within the solution – any communication with a payment gateway is conducted over a secure HTTPS connection.

Fully integrated Epicor Commerce Connect platform to Epicor ERP system eliminates the need to maintain a separate product database and provides streamlined access to ordering, product or account information including customer specific pricing, inventory levels, marketing and customer service processes – all in real-time using ERP data that can be viewed online via Epicor Commerce Connect.

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    Anna Turzańska-Sadlej

    Senior Consultant


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