Business Intelligence

Make real-time, fact-based decisions with Maconomy Business Performance Management

Maconomy Business Performance Management offers a single, reliable environment, which provides users with the necessary information for strategic, tactical and operational decision-making. The intuitive interface of the Maconomy  solution empowers users with fast access to business data that can be easily formatted and analyzed in order to identify trends and root causes. Maconomy Business Performance Management combines easy access to reporting, ad hoc query, and analysis, in one integrated solution to help business users turn insights and foresights into effective decisions.

Live reporting

  • Maconomy Business Performance Management offers a collection of standard reports designed to cover the core business needs of professional services organizations.
  • Users will be able to answer current business questions by using the standard reports or by adjusting them to meet their information needs.
  • Users can edit queries, personalize and format the standard reports, and then shedule them for automated distribution.

Ad hoc query

  • Business users are provided with immediate information access and interactivity with the Maconomy Business Performance Management ad hoc query tool.
  • The flexible and intuitive interface has powerful query and reporting features allowing business analysts and non-technical users to answer their ad hoc queries.
  • Users can also create queries and reports in offline mode, and synchronize data when they reconnect to the network to share the results of the analysis created.


  • Users can easily access, format, explore, compare, analyze data, and identify trends in a single enviroment without needing to implement a seperate tool for analysis.
  • Maconomy Business Performance Management offers a feature-rich, interactive interface with extensive formatting capabilities, Microsoft Office familiar toolbar, and right-click menus.
  • Users can change, format reports, and drill down into data for deeper insight for more effective decision making.

Additional business benefits

Multilingual information access

  • Global organizations can provide multilingual information access to their users. This allows business users working in the same organization, but based in different countries, to access the same information but view in in their native language.

Collaborative decision-making

  • Collaborative decision-making is effectively supported via threaded discussions, which allows users to discuss insights and share documents. This result in increased user confidence in business decisions made.

Microsoft Office, portals and mobile devices integration

  • You can use multiple information delivery options and integration points. Users can access and synchronize data from corporate and personal sources and deliver it using Microsoft Office applications, portals, and mobile devices.

Secure and cost-effective platform

Maconomy Business Performance Management is built on the Business Objects intelligence platform and delivers a single point of security and administration for all users, reducing overall implementation costs. This approach provides organizations with full control of the functionality avaliable to each user and their security profiles.

  • Live reporting
  • Standard reports suite
  • Drill down and drill up functionality
  • On line and offline ad hoc query tool
  • Flexible and intuitive interface
  • Integrated analysis functionality
  • Extensive formatiing capabilities
  • Familiar toolbar and right-click menus
  • Feature-rich and interactive interface
  • Drag-and-drop features
  • Multilingual software
  • Conversation threading
  • Microsoft Office, portals and mobile devices integration
  • Single point for security and administration

Arrange a free consultation

Let's talk about a system tailored for your enterprise.

    Anna Turzańska-Sadlej

    Senior Consultant


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