Human Resources

Manage people, skills and performance

Maconomy HR Solution: Provides the basis for HR departments to help attract and develop employees to get the most out of your key assets and provide them with a high level and quality of care that esures their continued contribution to the financial success of your business.

Product Features:

  • Self-service features for employees
  • Skills management connected to resource allocation in People Planner
  • Performance management and processing of reimbursement, bonuses and incentive programs
  • Administration of employee equipment (company cars, laptops, mobile phones, etc.)
  • Recruitment process and Personal Assessment iterview support
  • Internal and external course management tools
  • Flexible HR, time capture and resource utilization reports

Arrange a free consultation.

Let's talk about a system tailored for your enterprise.

    Anna Turzańska-Sadlej

    Senior Consultant


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