Barcode Solution

Warehouse management is one of the basic aspects of the operation of many companies. Improving its functioning by increasing the automation of work and reducing the possibility of making mistakes, results in a significant reduction of costs, as well as increasing the efficiency of storage. Using barcodes, which currently mark the vast majority of articles, it is possible to improve the work of warehouses in a simple and relatively cheap way.

Therefore in order to meet customer needs Todis created solution which is based on barcode technology and it enables significant acceleration and simplification of many processes taking place in the warehouse.

Our proprietary software simplifies numerous warehouse processes in iScala, such as:

  • Acceptance of the purchase order
  • Quality control
  • MM postponing
  • Release from the warehouse (sale)
  • Inventory
  • Inventory of Fixed Assets – Off-line
  • Cost center
  • Production assembling
  • Fabric release for a production purpose
  • Support of the production process
  • Acceptance of the completed product
  • Complaints management
  • BIN, product and warehouse information

Since the software is a proprietary Todis design, we can tailor it to meet individual customer needs. The connectivity module integrates completely with iScala – all barcode scanner activities are visible in the iScala interface on-line. Automation of work in iScala system was the main goal while creating this application. The solution enables an operator using a barcode reader to quickly and efficiently receive goods, forward them to production or a warehouse without error.

Special emphasis was placed on the possibility of work automation. Choosing the right options, it is abbility to perform external acceptance, production edition or MM document within a few moments. Due to the fact that the scanner is used to enter data, the possibility of making an error by the employee is minimized.

Arrange a free consultation

Let's talk about a system tailored for your enterprise.

    Anna Turzańska-Sadlej

    Senior Consultant


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