EDI Manager

EDI Manager application integrated with iScala enables data exchange of documents between company system and contractor solution.

EDI Manager functions:

  • electronic sending of invoices, credit notes and duplicate invoices
  • electronic sending warehouse documents
  • sending purchase orders to suppliers
  • import of customer sales orders to iScala system
  • validation of received data
  • exchanges information in XML, TXT or other format

EDI Manager can independently run in background mode where no user activity is required; the application then imports or exports pre-defined documents. It can also be switched into user interface mode, enabling the operator to:

  • decide which documents to export or import,
  • fill in required information (e.g. missing fields needed to process a purchase order),
  • select warehouse number, order counter number, etc.

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Let's talk about a system tailored to your company

    Anna Turzańska-Sadlej

    Senior Consultant


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