White List

From September 1, 2019, the so-called white list, or electronic list of VAT payers is in force. The register also contains bank accounts of taxpayers that have been reported to tax authorities. From 01.01.2020, sanctions apply for the payment of amounts due to an account other than the one indicated on the white list.

What do these changes mean for entrepreneurs? First of all, more administrative obligations related to account verification.

Responding to customer needs resulting from the above legislative change, consultants from Todis Consulting developed a solution to verify bank account numbers. It enables, among others:

  • verification of the customer in terms of his VAT taxpayer status,
  • checking if the bank account given in the bank transfer details is in accordance with the register of the Ministry of Finance,
  • registering queries sent to the MF database, including unique “Question identifier”, placed by the MF service in the reply.

The solution operates based on the API as well as on a text file updated daily and provided by the Ministry of Finance.

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